Investor Resources

AssetRise FAQ

AssetRise is on Online Portfolio Management Tool specializing in an investors current vs. target asset allocation, along with Rebalance Targets.  Here are the most common questions in our FAQ.

General & Investing

 What is the purpose of AssetRise


AssetRise provides an investor a single view of their current vs. target asset allocation, including rebalance opportunities.


What does AssetRise offer that other Online Portfolio Tools do not?

AssetRise is focused on providing a single Asset Allocation and Rebalance view of the investors portfolio.  A brief comparison of AssetRise vs. other tools include:


  • AssetRise vs. Personal Capital (Empower Investing): AssetRise is focused on Asset Allocation across all accounts, Personal Capital is focused on the balance of accounts.


  • AssetRise vs. Fidelity & Vanguard: Fidelity and Vanguard provide balances of their accounts only.  AssetRise provides the user a view of all assets across all investment accounts.


Getting Started

How do I get started with AssetRise?


Here are the steps to create your portolio with AssetRise:


  1. Create your free account
  2. Add a portfolio: create a new custom portfolio or add a portfolio from the existing list
  3. Edit the share quantity in your portfolio
  4. Edit the Asset Allocation target to your preference


Where do I get help with AssetRise?

email us


Does AssetRise provide Investment advice?

No, AssetRise provides investors monitoring and tracking tools.  We do not provide investment advice.


What are the pricing models for AssetRise?

AssetRise is an easy to use subscription service available via monthly or annual plans.

See our pricing plans here 


Do you offer a refund policy?

We will work with you to ensure 100% customer satisfaction.  Email us

About AssetRise

AssetRise provides Boglehead, Vanguard, and FIRE investors portfolio allocation and rebalance tools to simplify investing and increase returns.  AssetRise provides an industry leading portfolio rebalance calculator to increase investor returns.

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